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2014-01-15 11:39:35 UTC
2014-01-16 03:01:56 UTC
Watch Saving Mr Banks Online My father died in September of this year. I wa
the air somewhere over Texas, desperately hurrying to get there before tim
out, when he drew his last breath. Walking into that house, only to discove
was too late, was as crushing a moment of pain and regret as I’ve ever
experienced in my life. I’d visited several times already over the
previous year, watching him refuse to give up and going out to do community
service even when he could barely walk, barely breathe. He wouldn’t let
go of his mission, his belief in helping children see the world and pursue
their dreams no matter what obstacles the world threw up in front of them.
Later, as I held the wooden box holding my father’s ashes and cried, I
marveled that someone so larger than life could fit into something so small.
Watch Saving Mr Banks Online Eight weeks later, I was sitting in a screening
room being slowly torn to pieces by Disney’s Saving Mr. Banks. What I
thought was a family-friendly comedy about the making of the classic Disney
film Mary Poppins turned out to be an emotionally stirring revelation abou
life of author P.L. Travers, who endured childhood traumas and loss tha
later formed the backbone of her Mary Poppins book series. Those traumas and
losses so frequently mirrored — sometimes just conceptually, other times
painfully literally — the things going through my mind in the aftermath
of my father’s death, that by the time the *** reached its climax, the
emotional punch to the gut was too much to deny and I broke down in tears.
Watch Saving Mr Banks Online I tell you all of this to explain the context in
which I saw Saving Mr. Banks, completely surprised by its content, stunned at
such a relevant and revelatory personal experience. Only a few films in 2013
reached out and affected me emotionally, and fewer still did so in a directly
personally way. Saving Mr. Banks reached down my throat and ripped my heart
out. But it wasn’t an ugly or unwanted experience, it was cathartic and
beautiful, tender at the same time it felt raw. It was understanding and
empathy on such a deep human level that those who have not personally
experienced it might not fully appreciate how right and true it is, and
it’s a truth that fills the film from start to finish. (And if you see
the film, the above bit of personal background will be more than enough fo
to understand precisely why the film hit me with such force, at such a
vulnerable time.)
Watch Saving Mr Banks Online SAVING MR. BANKS 17But the loss of a family
member, and the regret that comes from all of the things left unsaid and the
choices unmade, is so very common to the human condition that I feel the ***
will strike a chord on some level with a large portion of its audience. What
makes it even more emotionally powerful, and ultimately cathartic, is the way
the film deftly moves toward not only the revelations but also the unexpected
comprehension and expression of the revelations by a sympathetic friend —
in this case, Walt Disney himself. This is not idealized glorification of
Disney as a man or a brand, it is in fact a subtle deconstruction of myth
serving a larger story about promises made and unrealized, the relationships
between children and parents, and the film lets us see Disney through th
of a skeptic, stripped of his idealized persona, precisely so we can see hi
just a man, a father’s son, and a father himself.
Watch Saving Mr Banks Online P.L. Travers resisted Walt Disney’s efforts
for years, as the studio mogul sought to obtain the rights to her Mar
books for a cinematic adaptation. She grudgingly accepts an offer to visit
Disney’s studio in Los Angeles to look at the work they’ve done on
the project, hear their songs, and offer her maddening input and criticisms
practically every step of the adaptation process. But as determined as she is
to sink the project, Disney is equally determined to win her over and make
happy. The key to making her happy, though, is to unlock whatever painful
secrets linger from her childhood, and Disney soon realizes that his previous
understanding of the Mary Poppins books is woefully mistaken. Only when he
looks deeper does he begin to see the truth, and it’s a stunning bit of
revelation indeed, and will forever change how you view the film Mary Poppins
and the books upon which it was based.
Watch Saving Mr Banks Online SAVING MR. BANKS 7Emma Thompson portrays Travers
as tense and unforgiving on the surface, but as a woman who feels everything
deeply even when she struggles not to show it. She’s not merely an artist
protecting her creations, she’s a daughter protecting her memories and
maintaining the small measure of comfort she created for herself to escape
pain of regret. The details of Travers’ life are for the most part
accurately portrayed in the film, including a terrible series of events when
her mother’s severe depression becomes too much to bear and leads to a
near-tragedy (although the film’s portrayal of Travers’ personal
actions is apparently embellished a bit). We see these events unfolding in
flashbacks that present everything through the perspective of Travers as a
young child, so the idealized impression of her father slowly gives way to a
more brutally realistic presentation that still retains a childlike confusion
and sorrow about what exactly is happening around her.
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Watch Saving Mr. Banks 2013 full movie here >>> http://goo.gl/iYD0Sk

Watch Saving Mr. Banks 2013 full movie here >>> http://goo.gl/iYD0Sk

Watch Saving Mr. Banks 2013 full movie here >>> http://goo.gl/iYD0Sk

Have fun and enjoy!
